What You'll Get
Once you are enrolled in the community, you'll
- Connect with other like-minded women that are on their journey to grow and experience life and business at their highest, most fulfilling level.
- Get access to FREE business resources which includes access to my free business builder library with hundreds of business building templates.
- Get access to participate in private book club sessions with best-selling author guests.
- Receive access to FREE weekly/monthly LIVE workshops from Cassandra and her network of high-income earners, entertainers, and successful business owners, to help you maximize your potential as a leader in your life, career, and in your business.
- Receive exclusive access and updates on upcoming events and programs.
- Have the opportunity to showcase your business offerings in our private community to solicit clients or customers for your exclusive offers. * * Some restrictions apply.
No Strings Attached!!
There are no strings attached when you join the Growth Focus™ Nation. Throughout my personal and professional career, I have received indispensable mentorship, skills, and value in the areas of technology, business building, client nurturing, networking, and (my sweet spot) LEADERSHIP. As I continue to curate and apply this knowledge in my business, cohorts, and professional career, it is my mission to help other aspiring women create the life they desire along their journey.
Once you're inside of the community, you automatically receive access to all of the group benefits. Should you decide the community is not for you, no worries, you can opt out at any time with no strings attached. Plus+ membership is FREE all year!
It's that SIMPLE!